Fusion Week: UKAEA Open Evening (Virtual)

May 8, 2024 | 8:30–9:30pm
UK Atomic Energy Authority
Inside the JET tokamak
Image Credit: UKAEA


UK Atomic Energy Authority


United Kingdom

Harnessing the power of stars on Earth

Our virtual Open Evenings offer you a unique opportunity to see some of the amazing work we are doing to develop sustainable fusion energy from the comfort of your own home. You will receive an introductory talk covering the basics of fusion energy, followed by a virtual tour of the world record breaking Joint European Torus (JET).

These tours will be led by engineers, scientists and technicians, who are currently working on the facilities – so you are guaranteed a genuine insight into what it’s like to work in fusion and have the opportunity to directly ask our passionate researchers anything about our work here at UKAEA.

Bring your questions and curiosity as you discover just how on Earth we are creating star-power and see two of the leading facilities responsible for this ground-breaking research, pushing us closer to delivering fusion energy for all!


The schedule for the evening will be as follows, with times listed in local UK time:

8:30 PM - 8:50 PM Introductory Talk

8:50 PM - 9:10 PM Virtual Tour of JET

9:10 PM - 9:30 PM Virtual Tour of MAST-U


For US participants, this event is scheduled for 3:30-4:30 pm Eastern time and !2:30-1:30 PM Pacific time.


For more information, please visit our registration page here!

A Fusion Energy Week Event

Fusion Energy Week: May 5-9, 2025